Wrapper on VExec to perform common actions on a workflow
Command #
Workflow [-dry_run] <keyspace.workflow> <action>
Description #
Workflow is a convenience command for useful actions on a workflow that you can use instead of actually specifying a query to VExec.
Parameters #
-dry-run #
default false
You can do a dry run where no actual action is taken but the command logs all the actions that would be taken by the Workflow.
keyspace.workflow #
Name of target keyspace and the associated workflow to take action on.
action #
action is one of
- stop: sets the state of the workflow to Stopped: no further vreplication will happen until workflow is restarted
- start: restarts a Stopped workflows
- delete: removes the entries for this workflow in _vt.vreplication
- show: returns a JSON object with details about the associated shards and also with all the columns from the _vt.vreplication table
- listall: returns a comma separated list of all running workflows in a keyspace
- tags: a comma-separated list of key:value pairs that are used to tag the tablet
Example #
vtctlclient Workflow keyspace1.workflow1 stop
vtctlclient Workflow keyspace1.workflow1 show
vtctlclient Workflow keyspace1 listall